Satellite Insights

Mastering Video Production at Scientific Conferences: 3 Best Practices for Success
The advantages of Multicam video-editing
The “Magic” of Gen AI Audio?
The Power of Video Editing in Science Marketing
Business Problem Solving through Animation [Video]
The Importance of Set Design in Video Production
Is Runway Gen3 Text to Video more Hype than Reality?
The Value of (Viral) Passion Projects
Visualizing the Beauty of Science with Gen AI [VIDEO]
The Value of Coaching Speakers and Talent  [Video]
Sourcing Local Crews
Generative AI usage in Video Production Company Workflow
What is the job of on on-site Director?  [Video]
My Takeaways as a First-Timer at SXSW...and What You Can Learn from My Experience
 How to Add Passion and Life into your Corporate Interviews
Tips to Producing Great Product Videos
What does a Producer Do?
Software Demos Amplified Through Storytelling
Using Emotion in Your Science and Technology Videos
What’s the Hook for your marketing video? 
The White Backdrop as Product Campaign Superpower
Creating Facebook Ads with AI
Elevating the Complex Through Animation
Give Your Brand Video Impact with a Strong Call-to-Action
Bringing Software Product Features to Life with Storytelling
A Decade-Old TV Promo Holds Lessons for Big Ideas in B2B Content
What are Style Frames?
Three Tips to Filming in Working Spaces
Why Storyboarding is Essential for Your Marketing Video
Unlocking the Power of a Well-Crafted Video Script
Unlock the Power of Award-Winning Scientific Storytelling Videos
Why Subject Matter Experts are the Key to Production
Making Scientific Labs Visually Come to Life
Why Animation is Crucial in Your Marketing Plan
3 Questions to Ask Your Video Team
How to Create Impactful Science Videos
Exclusive On-Set Look at Thermo Fisher Scientific
Satellite's Commercial Shoot for ServiceMax
Best Practices When Filming in Scientific Labs